Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Feng Shui and You

Today many people around the world practice a very old Chinese belief system. They believe that everything in nature has an energy called Chi (chee), and there is positive Chi and negative Chi. The way we use Chi determines the outcome of everything we do. This is called Feng Shui (fung shway). As a young person who is constantly growing, exploring, and changing, you might find Feng Shui useful as you create your own environment. Let's look at your bedroom. You spend about a third of your life in this space. Because your early years are formative, it is important that your bedroom reflect your personality. This will help you stay comfortable as you grow and reach for your true potential. The the tool you'll use when deciding where to place the furniture in your room is called a ba-gua. Follow these steps:

Step 1: Draw a floor plan of your room. Include the windows, doors, and furniture.
Step 2: Draw four angled lines across the floor plan to make eight triangular sections.
Step 3: Use a compass to locate North. Mark it on your floor plan. Next, locate South, East, and West and mark them on your floor plan. Then add Northeast, Southeast, Southwest, and Northwest.
Step 4: Study the ba-gua below. You may want to move your furniture to the sections that will improve your activities in those areas. For example, if you and your family member seem to disagree a lot, you might want to put a blooming plant in the Southwest section of your room to create harmony.


belief:  The mental act, condition, or habit of placing trust or confidence in another.
Chi: chinese word for "energy"
Feng Shui: is a Chinese philosophical system of harmonizing the human existence with the surrounding environment.
formative: giving or capable of giving form 
potential: existing in possibility
harmony: agreement in feeling or opinion

Vocabulary Exercise

1.  ________________ is a Chinese practice that harmonizes the energy in ones surroundings.
2. Feng Shui promotes the idea of creating a healthy balance between positive and negative _____.
3. She has much _______ to get an A in her course.
4. During your early years, or __________ years, it is essential to build a foundation for your future.
5. Feng Shui also promotes a sense of _____________ within your physical, mental, and emotional states.
6. It is a Chinese __________ that Feng Shui can do wonders for your soul.

Grammar Point: Adjectives are words that describe or modify another person or thing in the sentence.

Grammar Exercise: Circle all of the adjectives you can find in the passage, "Feng Shui and You". Create your own sentences using all of the adjectives you could find. 

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